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Tekla Structures Basic Training in Bangalore


Tekla Structures Basic Training in Bangalore

Benefits of Basic Training:

  • Faster Learning curve using the most popular & demanding software.
  • Contemporary way of working - giving you & your company a definite competitive engineering edge.
  • Enjoy the benefit of real-time 3D modelling (2D Drawings becomes a by-product of 3D model).
  • Design a variety of structures using steel, concrete or other materials.
  • Intelligent model creation of any size or complexity with ease and precision.
  • Link with third party application, automatic generation of drawings, reports or other output from the Single 3D model.
  • Revisions are much easier because the drawings and reports are fully integrated into the model (Change Management).
  • Leading 4D tool to manage and track project status

Course Type & Duration: Basic Training - 5 full days (8hrs per day including practice session)

Course Eligibility
Diploma / Engineering Graduates & Professionals
(Civil/ Structural Engineers / Architects / Mechanical)

Basic Course Offered:-

  • Introduction to Tekla Structures
  • Basic 3D Modelling
  • System Components
  • Interactive Modelling & Building Custom Components,
  • Modelling Techniques
  • Structural Profiles and materials
  • Numbering and reports
  • Principles of working with drawings
  • Creating General arrangements drawings
  • Creating Assembly Drawings
  • Creating Single Part Drawings
  • Creating Anchor Bolt Plans
  • Multi Drawings and multi numbering
  • Revision Control and Drawing Management
  • Modelling Stairs & handrails
  • Extracting Bill of Material
Training type: 
Tekla Steel Basic Training
Monday, January 20, 2014 - 09:00 to Friday, January 24, 2014 - 18:00
Tekla India Pvt. Ltd. #43, 1st floor, 2nd stage,BHCS layout, Vijayanagar 2nd stage, Above Union Bank of India,
Near Chandra Layout BMTC depot, Bangalore, 560040, Karnataka, India

Suomeen voitto kolmessa sarjassa!


Suomeen voitto kolmessa sarjassa!


Tekla Global BIM Awards 2013 -kilpailun voittajat on julkaistu

Tekla Global BIM Awards -kilpailun voittajat kaikissa viidessä sarjassa on valittu. Mukana oli hankkeita ympäri maailmaa kerrostaloista stadioneihin ja teollisuuslaitoksiin. Total BIM -sarjan parhaaksi projektiksi valittiin Kauppakeskus Puuvilla Porissa. Paras betonielementtihanke löytyi myös Suomesta: Kalasataman Fiskari ja Fregatti Helsingissä. Parhaana paikallavaluhankkeena palkittiin BB&T Ballpark Yhdysvalloista, paras yleissuunnitteluhanke oli Tesco Sheringham ja teräsrakenteista palkittiin Gap-luistelustadion Ranskasta.

Kolmentoista projektiosapuolen yhdessä kisaan ilmoittama Kauppakeskus Puuvilla on todellinen Total BIM
-hanke. Suuren hankkeen, tiukan aikataulun ja uusien ja vanhojen rakenteiden yhteensovittamisen haasteet selvitettiin hyvien tietomallien avulla. Rakennemallin lisäksi käytössä oli arkkitehtimalli, talotekniikkamalli, sähkö- ja sprinklerimalli, sekä olemassa olevien rakenteiden laserskannauksen avulla luotu inventointimalli

BB&T Ballpark Charlottesta, Yhdysvalloista, valittiin parhaaksi paikallavaluprojektiksi. Wayne Brothers vastasi hankkeen betonirakenteista. He käyttivät mallia valusuunnitteluun, edistymisen seurantaan ja koordinointiin muiden osapuolien kanssa. Raudoitteiden toimittaja Harris Steel käytti betonimallia raudoitussuunniteluun, mikä vähensi virheitä ja tehosti työnkulkua.

Yleissuunnittelusarjan voitti Pinnaclen suunnittelema Tesco Sheringham supermarket Englannista. Suunnittelutiimi yhdisti arkkitehtimallin ja talotekniikkamallin omaan Tekla-malliinsa, joka sisälsi teräs-, puu- ja betonirakenteita raudoituksineen. Malleja vaihdettiin osapuolten kesken.

Betonielementtien sarjan parhaaksi palkintoraati valitsi As Oy Kalasataman Fiskari ja As Oy Kalasataman Fregatti -projektin Helsingistä. Parhaillaan rakennettavassa kahden asuinrakennuksen kohteessa on geometrisesti haastava julkisivu. Insinööritoimisto Mäkeläinen Oy aloitti mallintamisen jo konseptisuunnitteluvaiheessa, jättäen 2D-piirustukset tekemättä, ja käyttää arkkitehtimallia referenssinä ja törmäystarkasteluun. Tietomallia on käytetty myös betonielementtien tuotannossa.

Teräsrakenteiden sarjan voittaja on korjausrakennuskohde luistelustadion Gap Ranskassa, jonka suunnitteli Patrick Millet. Kohteessa haluttiin säilyttää 1970-luvulta olevat puurakenteet ja samalla vahvistaa rakennetta kannattamaan uusia kuormia ja täyttämään nykyvaatimukset seismisten normien osalta.

Yleisöäänestyksen voittaja on Bakun Olympiastadion Azerbaidzanissa. Sen on mallintanut Tekfen Engineering ja Sdeng Steel & Structural Detail Engineers. Stadion mallinnettiin Kreikassa ja Turkissa, ja BIM-työkaluja käytettiin yhteistyöhon suunnittelijoiden kanssa Etelä-Koreassa ja New Yorkissa.

Tekla Global BIM Awards -kilpailussa oli nyt ensimmäistä kertaa oma sarja opiskelijoille. Aalto-yliopiston kurssityönä tehty Hotelli Katajanokka palkittiin parhaana opiskelijaprojektina. Projektin tekijä on Jesse Pulli.  Tässä sarjassa jaettiin kunniamaininta Alan David Lazarte Mejian Universidad Nacional de San Agustinista, Perusta, itsenäisenä työnä tekemälle urheiluareenalle.

Kilpailun palkintoraatiin kuuluu kansainvälisiä BIM-asiantuntijoita: apulaisprosessori Ashwin Mahalingam Indian Institute of Technologystä Madrasista, acument7:n johtaja Richard Odgen, Graphisoftin toimitusjohtaja Viktor Várkonyi sekä tuotehallintajohtaja John Bacus Trimble SketchUpista. Teklaa edusti varatoimitusjohtaja Risto Räty.

Tekla Global BIM Awards -kilpailuprojektit olivat omien aluekilpailujensa voittajakohteita. Kilpailussa oli 44 hienoa kohdetta, ja yli 2 800 ääntä annettiin oman suosikkiprojektin puolesta.

Lisätietoja kilpailusta, voittajista ja muista kohteista Teklan web-sivulta.

Kuvia median käyttöön löytyy täältä. Nämä kuvat on tarkoitettu vain median käyttöön. Kuvia ei saa muuttaa, ja kuviin tulee liittää "Copyright © 2014 Tekla Corporation".



Risto Räty, varatoimitusjohtaja, Tekla Oy, puh. 030 661 1781, risto.raty (at) tekla.com

JAKELU: Industry media

             Web media

             Tekla Website & Extranet


Ohjelmistoyhtiö Tekla on edelläkävijä siirryttäessä digitaalisten tietomallien käyttöön. Yhtiö tarjoaa
rakennus-, infra- ja energiatoimialoilla toimiville asiakkailleen yhä merkittävämpiä kilpailuetuja. Teklalla on asiakkaita 100 maassa, toimisto 15 maassa ja maailmanlaajuinen kumppaniverkosto. Konsernin palveluksessa on tällä hetkellä noin 500 henkilöä, josta lähes 200 ulkomailla. Yrityksen pääkonttori sijaitsee Espoossa. Tekla on perustettu vuonna 1966, ja se on yksi Suomen vanhimmista ohjelmistoyrityksistä. Teklasta tuli osa Trimbleä heinäkuussa 2011.

Tekla Global BIM Awards

Tekla Global BIM Awards -kilpailulla Tekla osoittaa kunnioituksensa asiakkaitaan kohtaan ja jakaa tietoa onnistumisista ympäri maailman. Projektien esittelyissä näkyy myös Teklan ohjelmistojen monipuolisuus ja se, miten Tekla tavallaan osallistuu ympäristön muovaamiseen joka puolella maailmaa. Tekla on ollut ja on edelleen osallisena useiden tuttujen ja ihailtujen maamerkkirakennusten rakentamisessa.

Press contacts: 

Risto Räty

Risto Räty
Executive vice president of Tekla Corporation and general manager of Trimble Buildings Structures Division
+358 30 661 1781

Tekla Global BIM Awards Winners Announced


Tekla Global BIM Awards Winners Announced

BIM Keeps Expanding to New Fields in the Construction

The winners of the five categories of Tekla Global BIM Awards have been chosen among a vast range of competing models, using all kinds of materials all around the world. In the Total BIM category, the best was Puuvilla Shopping Center in Pori, Finland. The Cast in Place Concrete award went to BB&T Ballpark in Charlotte, USA, and Precast Concrete award to Kalasataman Fregatti and Fiskari in Helsinki, Finland, while the best Engineering project was Tesco Sheringham. The Steel award was given to the Gap ice-skating stadium in France.

The Puuvilla Shopping CentreThe Puuvilla Shopping Centre, delivered by a project group of 13 companies, is truly a Total BIM project. The team tackled the challenges of large project, tight schedule and combining new and old structures with good Building Information Modeling. In addition to structural, they utilized architectural, MEP, electricity and sprinkler system models and laser scanned the existing structures to create an inventory model.

The competition jury selected BB&T Ballpark in Charlotte, USA, the best Cast in Place Concrete project. Wayne Brothers was responsible for concrete construction and coordination. They used models for planning pours, tracking progress and coordinating with other trades. The rebar provider Harris Steel used the concrete model in detailing, which lead to fewer errors and more efficient workflow.

The winner among Structural Engineering projects was Tesco Sheringham supermarket by Pinnacle, a bespoke design featuring a timber roof structure. The design team combined the architect and mechanical engineer’s 3D models along with their own steel, timber and reinforced concrete model created in Tekla and exchanged the models between all parties.

The best project in Precast category was Kalasataman Fregatti and Fiskari, two residential buildings with geometrically complex façade under construction. Engineering office Mäkeläinen started modeling already in the conceptual design phase, omitting 2D drawings, and now uses architect’s model as reference and for clash checking. The model has also been a notable source of fabrication information.

In the Steel category, the winner was the renovation project of the skating stadium in Gap, France, by Patrick Millet. The team had to keep the existing timber structures from the early 70s while reinforcing the structure to support new loads and fill the current seismological norms.

The winner of the public vote was the Baku Olympic Stadium in Azerbaidjan, modeled by Tekfen Engineering and Sdeng Steel & Structural Detail Engineers. The stadium was modeled in two locations, in Greece and Turkey, while BIM tools were used for communication with the designers in South Korea and New York.

For the first time, Tekla Global BIM Awards also had student contestants. The best student project was Hotel Katajanokka, coursework by Jesse Pulli from the Aalto University in Finland, and Alan David Lazarte Mejia from Universidad Nacional de San Agustin in Peru got a special mention for his independent sports court project.

The winners of the competition were chosen by a jury of international BIM experts: Ashwin Mahalingam, Assistant Professor of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; Richard Ogden, Chairman of Buildoffsite and Director in acumen7; Viktor Várkonyi, CEO of Graphisoft; and John Bacus, Product Management Director of Trimble SketchUp. Tekla was represented by Executive Vice President Risto Räty.

The entries to the Global BIM Awards competition were the winners of regional Tekla BIM competitions held by Tekla area offices and resellers during 2013. Forty-four exemplary projects competed in Tekla Global BIM Awards and over 2,800 votes were cast for the projects presented on the competition website.

More information about the competition, winners and other entries is available at the Tekla Website

Please find pictures for media use in Tekla image bank

These pictures are intended for media use only. The pictures may not be altered in any way. Please include following caption next to the images "Copyright © 2014 Tekla Corporation".

For additional information, please contact:

Mr. Risto Räty, Executive Vice President, Tekla B&C, tel. +358 30 661 1781, risto.raty (at) tekla.com

DISTRIBUTION:              Industry media

                                     Web media

                                     Tekla Website & Extranet


With its software, Tekla drives the evolution of digital information models and thus provides more and more competitive advantage to the construction, infrastructure and energy industries. The company was established already in 1966, and today it has customers in 100 countries, offices in 15 countries, and a global partner network. Tekla was acquired by Trimble Navigation Ltd. in 2011.

The Tekla Global BIM Awards

Tekla Global BIM Awards competition is a way to express appreciation towards Tekla customers and share their success stories worldwide. Showcasing their models celebrates the versatility of Tekla software and demonstrates how its use affects the landscapes around the world. Tekla has played and will play a great role in building many of the complex and iconic structures seen and admired by all of us every day.  

Press contacts: 

Risto Räty

Risto Räty
Executive vice president of Tekla Corporation and general manager of Trimble Buildings Structures Division
+358 30 661 1781

Press Release: Tekla Boosts BIM Education with New Online Academy and Scholarships


Press Release: Tekla Boosts BIM Education with New Online Academy and Scholarships

SINGAPORE, 10 January 2014 – Tekla, a company that develops BIM (Building Information Modeling) software, today launched Tekla Campus, an online academy for students to learn and acquire BIM skills through Tekla’s BIM tools.

Through Tekla Campus (campus.tekla.com), students around the world will be able to download Tekla Structures Learning edition, a free license of the BIM software. Students can use the fully functional software for self-learning, school projects and course work. In addition to the software, Tekla Campus offers learning material, video tutorials, and a discussion forum for peer support and sharing thoughts.

In conjunction with the launch of Tekla Campus, two ITE students from the Higher Nitec in Civil & Structural Engineering Design course were awarded scholarships sponsored by Tekla. The scholarship programme is the first-of-its-kind in Singapore that is offered in the field of BIM software training, and is specifically tailored to provide the students with training and knowledge in BIM software, a skill that is currently in high demand in the building and construction industry.

“The building and construction industry is rapidly shifting towards the use of BIM for all kinds of projects so there is a clear and growing need for skilled BIM professionals in Singapore and around the region. Through Tekla Campus and this scholarship, we hope to equip local students with the practical skills that will future-proof their career paths,” said Thomas Phang, Area Director of Tekla SEA. “At Tekla, our vision is to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of skilled BIM professionals.”

The school's partnership with Tekla has also opened up various opportunities for students, including scholarships as well as internship opportunities with Sunway, a Tekla customer.

Noor Shahidah Bte Mohd S (age 19), one of the scholarship winners, shared, “Not only will this scholarship equip me with industry relevant knowledge to enhance my skill set, it will also increase my employability.”

Aqilah Bte Alwi (age 19), another scholarship winner, said that the scholarship will benefit her in the future, knowing that her knowledge of BIM software will be able to increase her opportunities to land a job that she is passionate about. “Younger generations will benefit from having the scholarship as it will open up more job and career opportunities,” she added.

The two scholarship recipients, Aqilah Bte Alwi and Noor Shahidah Bte Mohd S, were selected after a panel interview with representatives from ITE, Tekla, as well as Tekla’s customers Sunway Concrete and Hexacon Construction. The scholarship recipients were selected based on their outstanding academic and CCA records, and are individuals who are keen to join the building and construction industry upon graduation. Through the programme, the scholars will learn to use Tekla Structures, the most advanced BIM software on the market, as well as expose them to new ways of thinking and new approaches to construction concepts.


For press inquiries, please contact:

Vincent Chia, Market Development and Channel Director, Tekla SEA; tel. +65 6273 5281,
e-mail Vincent.chia@tekla.com 

Moses Mok, Weber Shandwick on behalf of Tekla SEA; tel. +65 9186 2794,
e-mail mmok@webershandwick.com


AECOM Selects Trimble Software to Manage Global Construction Projects Across Markets


AECOM Selects Trimble Software to Manage Global Construction Projects Across Markets


Enterprise Agreement Covers Products Including Proliance, SketchUp Pro, Tekla, Vico Office, Quantm, Modelogix,

WinEst and More to Help AECOM Streamline Services Throughout Project Lifecycles


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jan. 14, 2014Trimble (NASDAQ:TRMB) announced today that AECOM, one of the world’s largest providers of professional, technical and management support services for transportation, facilities, environment, energy, water and government, will deploy several solutions from Trimble’s Design-Build-Operate (DBO) software portfolio to improve project workflows, increase visibility and accuracy, and enhance team collaboration for construction projects.  


The multi-year agreement covers a variety of software offered by Trimble Buildings, a Trimble group focused on making the construction industry significantly more productive through advanced, accessible, and intuitive technologies for project professionals and stakeholders. AECOM has opted to procure Trimble software on a subscription basis, allowing the company flexibility to easily scale its active subscriptions in line with project and program needs around the globe. 


In addition, AECOM will expand its current use of Trimble’s Proliance® enterprise capital program management software. The software combines capital planning, project and program management, business process management and analytics into one system of record, enabling asset owners to control program delivery and track how their real estate, construction and facilities portfolios are performing across the plan-build-operate lifecycle. AECOM will use Proliance as a platform to support more efficient standardization of large project and program management assignments globally. 


AECOM also plans to provide on-demand access to the following software across its organization to deliver a powerful, synchronized suite of services to its client base: 


  • SketchUp Pro– the construction professional’s version of the world’s most popular 3D modeling tool used for creating, updating and communicating designs in 3D. 
  • Tekla Structures– the premier BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool for the creation and management of constructible 3D models from conceptual design to material fabrication, erection, and site management. 
  • Vico Office – virtual construction software, augmenting 3D models with constructability analysis and coordination, location-based quantity takeoff, 4D (time) scheduling and production control, and 5D (cost) estimating. 
  • WinEst – powerful database-driven software that uses a highly flexible spreadsheet for creating, adjusting and presenting cost estimates. 
  • Modelogix – software for collecting and analyzing past-project data and generating comprehensive cost models for future projects. 
  • Prolog®– project-management and cost-control software for general contractors and construction managers. 
  • Quantm®– alignment planning software that integrates engineering, environmental, social and economic factors into simultaneous analysis of alternatives for rail and road planning. 
  • Trimble AutoBid® Mechanical– labor and material estimating software for commercial mechanical, piping, and plumbing contractors.
  • Trimble Accubid® Enterprise Estimating– a server-based, spec-driven estimating platform for electrical, industrial mechanical and ITS contractors.
  • Plancal Nova– offers integrated CAD/BIM and engineering calculations in one unified system, with advanced functionality developed specifically for building services firms.


“Our strategic relationship with Trimble is an important component of AECOM’s commitment to deliver integrated project delivery technology and services to our customers and to expand our competitive edge,” said Tom Peck, AECOM chief information officer. “The solutions in Trimble’s DBO portfolio strongly align with AECOM’s business and will enable us to continuously improve our project efficiencies and workflows.” 


“Global firms such as AECOM—whose program and project portfolios span multiple years, teams and geographies—represent the complexities of today’s construction industry,” added Bryn Fosburgh, vice president at Trimble. “Trimble Buildings was organized to address these complexities by providing advanced solutions to streamline communication and collaboration across the construction supply chain. We’re excited to collaborate with a customer whose vision of service to the construction industry so closely matches our own.” 


Real-World Benefits


AECOM intends to leverage Trimble solutions to systemize many of the core processes in the DBO continuum, with the core goal of improving accuracy, increasing efficiency and delivering higher-quality projects to its clients. Samples include:


  • Real-time program and project performance. Executive dashboards can track the overall health of a construction project with at-a-glance project status and early-issue alerts, and also illustrate key elements by project stage, including cost and schedule performance. 
  • BIM and design management. 3D modeling, 4D (scheduling) and 5D (costing) tools with clash detection capability enable management and analysis early in the design process, rather than in the field during construction. Automated quantity takeoff based on 3D models makes estimating more efficient and accurate—even as projects evolve.  
  • Precision data for office and field. 3D modeling tools can be used by fabricators to ensure precise production and assembly of critical components, such as beams or trusses. Measurements can be downloaded into the core model prior to manufacturing, improving accuracy and saving time compared to manual data entry. 


AECOM will begin deploying Trimble’s DBO software and solutions beginning in 2014. 


About AECOM            


AECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services for a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government. With approximately 45,000 employees around the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves. AECOM provides a blend of global experience, local knowledge, innovation, and technical excellence in delivering solutions that enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM serves clients in more than 140 countries and had revenue of $8.2 billion during the 12 months ended Sept. 30, 2013. More information on AECOM and its services can be found at www.aecom.com


About Trimble Buildings Group


Trimble Buildings, a part of Trimble's Engineering and Construction segment, is a world leader in technology for construction project optimization across the DBO lifecycle. With solutions that span the brands of Meridian Systems, Plancal, SketchUp, Tekla, Trade Service, Vico Software, and WinEst, Trimble helps the construction industry improve productivity, increase efficiencies and maximize the profitability of projects, from simulation to renovation. Used in over 140 countries around the world and supported by a global dealer and distribution partner network, Trimble technology is a mainstay of the building industry. Information on Trimble Buildings’ DBO portfolio is available at:  http://buildings.trimble.com.


About Trimble


Trimble applies technology to make field and mobile workers in businesses and government significantly more productive. Solutions are focused on applications requiring position or location—including surveying, construction, agriculture, fleet and asset management, public safety and mapping. In addition to utilizing positioning technologies, such as GPS, lasers and optics, Trimble solutions may include software content specific to the needs of the user. Wireless technologies are utilized to deliver the solution to the user and to ensure a tight coupling of the field and the back office. Founded in 1978, Trimble is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.


For more information, visit: www.trimble.com.


#   #   #

Press contacts: 

Mary Chiaffredo

Mary Chiaffredo
Marketing Manager
770 426 5105

Global plant design market: 12% CAGR between 2012-2016

The Global Plant Design and Engineering Applications market is to grow at a CAGR of 11.89 percent over the period 2012-2016.

Tekla Oyj : Tekla Opens New Offices in Russia and South Korea

Building Information Modeling software producer Tekla strengthens its global presence with two new offices.

Tekla Opens New Offices in Russia and South Korea


Tekla Opens New Offices in Russia and South Korea

Building Information Modeling software producer Tekla strengthens its global presence with two new offices. The offices open doors in Moscow, Russia, and Seoul, South Korea, and offer expertise and better value to the construction industry and participate to the industry development in their respective regions.

Tekla Korea

The Tekla office is lead by Mr. Park Wan-Soon, Country Manager. He has 25 years of expertise within the construction industry and thus has strategic understanding and expertise on the industry in the area.

Before the new Tekla Korea office started operations, Tekla software was available from reseller NEC (New Engineering Consultants Inc.) that now terminates Tekla-related business along with the retirement of its CEO Dr. Lee.

The Tekla Korea office is located at SongKang Building 8F, 15, Teheran-ro 98-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-846, Republic of Korea.

Tekla Russia

The new Tekla Russia office offers high-level technical support such as advanced trainings and personal helpdesk service.  Tekla Russia also ensures that Tekla Structures is localized to serve the needs of Russian construction industry. In addition the office will strengthen co-operation with educational institutes.

Mr. Denis Kuptsov, Business Manager, leads the new Tekla Russia office. Mr. Kuptsov has several years of experience in working with Tekla as he previously held the position of owner and General Manager of Tekla Structures reseller.

The new Tekla Russia office is located at BC “Omega Plaza” 19, Leninskaya Sloboda Street, Moscow, 115280, Russia.


About Tekla


With its software, Tekla drives the evolution of digital information models and thus provides more and more competitive advantage to the construction, infrastructure and energy industries. The company was established already in 1966, and today it has customers in more than 100 countries, 23 offices worldwide, and a global partner network. Tekla has been part of Trimble Navigation Ltd. since 2011.

Press contacts: 

Risto Räty

Risto Räty
Executive vice president of Tekla Corporation and general manager of Trimble Buildings Structures Division
+358 30 661 1781

Denis Kuptsov

Denis Kuptsov
Business Manager, Tekla Russia
+7 495 783 59 64

Park Wan-Soon

Park Wan-Soon
Country Manager, Tekla Korea
+82 70 49404611

Trimble Introduces Trimble Field Points Software for Building Construction Projects

Helps Boost Contractor Productivity and Accuracy by Reducing Manual

Trimble Introduces Trimble Field Points Software for Building Construction Projects

Helps Boost Contractor Productivity and Accuracy by Reducing Manual

Finland : Tekla BIMsight 1.9 Strengthens Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Workflows [TendersInfo (India)]

(TendersInfo (India) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Tekla, a Trimble company, today delivered Tekla BIMsight 1.9, the latest version of its free, easy-to-use software tool for building information modeling (BIM) project coordination.

Tekla Opens Offices in Russia, South Korea

Building Information Modeling software producer Tekla strengthens its global presence with two new offices.

Standards up BIM Ante

One of the big challenges associated with BIM (building-information modeling) is the fact many of the technology systems don’t ‘speak’ to each other.

BIM - Herausforderung für Deutschland

Beim 10. Oldenburger Bautag am 21.

Make Your Design Real with Tekla and Autodesk Revit


Make Your Design Real with Tekla and Autodesk Revit

Before Moshe Safdie’s design of the ArtScience Museum in Singapore become reality, the architects model had to pass to Yongnam Engineering’s structural designers. In the AEC process, Tekla seeks to bring owners and architects, engineers and construction contractors the benefits of accurate, coordinated and rich data. With it you can deliver the projects faster and more economically.

We offer you free tools that allow the models to move between Tekla Structures and Autodesk Revit. To achieve smooth construction workflows and realization of designs, we wish to see project members to collaborate throughout design and construction regardless of the software solutions they use. As one software solution is never enough for realizing construction design, we have chosen an open approach to BIM and work with partners to offer the AEC industry integrated, open workflows.

Tekla Opens New Offices in Russia and South Korea


Tekla Opens New Offices in Russia and South Korea

Building Information Modeling software producer Tekla strengthens its global presence with two new offices. The offices open doors in Moscow, Russia, and Seoul, South Korea, and offer expertise and better value to the construction industry and participate to the industry development in their respective regions.

Tekla Korea

The Tekla office is lead by Mr. Park Wan-Soon, Country Manager. He has 25 years of expertise within the construction industry and thus has strategic understanding and expertise on the industry in the area.

Before the new Tekla Korea office started operations, Tekla software was available from reseller NEC (New Engineering Consultants Inc.) that now terminates Tekla-related business along with the retirement of its CEO Dr. Lee.

The Tekla Korea office is located at SongKang Building 8F, 15, Teheran-ro 98-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-846, Republic of Korea.

Tekla Russia

The new Tekla Russia office offers high-level technical support such as advanced trainings and personal helpdesk service.  Tekla Russia also ensures that Tekla Structures is localized to serve the needs of Russian construction industry. In addition the office will strengthen co-operation with educational institutes.

Mr. Denis Kuptsov, Business Manager, leads the new Tekla Russia office. Mr. Kuptsov has several years of experience in working with Tekla as he previously held the position of owner and General Manager of Tekla Structures reseller.

The new Tekla Russia office is located at BC “Omega Plaza” 19, Leninskaya Sloboda Street, Moscow, 115280, Russia.


About Tekla


With its software, Tekla drives the evolution of digital information models and thus provides more and more competitive advantage to the construction, infrastructure and energy industries. The company was established already in 1966, and today it has customers in more than 100 countries, 23 offices worldwide, and a global partner network. Tekla has been part of Trimble Navigation Ltd. since 2011.

Press contacts: 

Risto Räty

Risto Räty
Executive vice president of Tekla Corporation and general manager of Trimble Buildings Structures Division
+358 30 661 1781

Denis Kuptsov

Denis Kuptsov
Business Manager, Tekla Russia
+7 495 783 59 64

Park Wan-Soon

Park Wan-Soon
Country Manager, Tekla Korea
+82 70 49404611

Oil and gas construction for the information age

Building Information Modelling has the ability to reduce project delivery times, operational costs and waste over the lifecycle of a project.

Tech providers collaborate for easy BIM data sharing

Oregon-based 4Projects and Finland-based Solibri UK have teamed up to use open BIM standards to provide solutions that allow building companies to conveniently share building information modeling data, according to this article.

STA holds BIM conference

The Structural Timber Association (STA) will present Building for the Future with BIM (Building Information Modelling) – a conference at the BRE’s Watford headquarters on January 29 to engage architects, engineers, contractors and STA members.

Trimble Unveils Trimble Field Points Software [Manufacturing Close - Up]

(Manufacturing Close - Up Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Trimble announced the introduction of the new Trimble Field Points software for construction field layout.
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